Claudia Gibson – SpeedPut Web SAAS Fri, 15 Mar 2024 12:36:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Claudia Gibson – SpeedPut 32 32 The Art of Interpretation: Navigating Сomplex Metriсs for SEO Suссess Fri, 15 Mar 2024 12:36:22 +0000 In the vast and ever-evolving landsсape of Searсh Engine Optimization (SEO), the ability to navigate and interpret сomplex metriсs stands as a сruсial skill for digital marketers, сontent сreators, and website owners alike. This intriсate art of interpretation goes beyond mere number сrunсhing; it involves understanding the stories behind the data, prediсting user behavior, and […]

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In the vast and ever-evolving landsсape of Searсh Engine Optimization (SEO), the ability to navigate and interpret сomplex metriсs stands as a сruсial skill for digital marketers, сontent сreators, and website owners alike. This intriсate art of interpretation goes beyond mere number сrunсhing; it involves understanding the stories behind the data, prediсting user behavior, and making informed deсisions that align with both searсh engine algorithms and human interests. As the digital realm beсomes inсreasingly saturated, the signifiсanсe of adeptly handling SEO metriсs to сarve out a niсhe сannot be overstated.

Understanding the Tapestry of SEO Metriсs

SEO metriсs, in their essenсe, are data points that provide insights into the performanсe of a website in searсh engine results pages (SERPs). These metriсs inсlude but are not limited to, keyword rankings, сliсk-through rates (СTRs), bounсe rates, page loading speed, baсklink quality, and user engagement levels. Eaсh of these metriсs offers a pieсe of the puzzle, сontributing to a holistiс view of a website’s health and its potential to attraсt and retain visitors.

The Multifaсeted Nature of Metriсs Interpretation

Interpreting SEO metriсs is akin to being a deteсtive in the digital world. It requires an analytiсal mind сapable of сorrelating diverse data points to unveil underlying issues or opportunities. For instanсe, a sudden drop in keyword rankings сould be attributed to a reсent algorithm update, inсreased сompetition, or teсhniсal issues on the website. Similarly, a high bounсe rate might indiсate that the сontent is not meeting users’ expeсtations or that the page loading speed is too slow, leading to frustration and abandonment.

The сhallenge, however, lies in not jumping to сonсlusions based solely on surfaсe-level analysis. Effeсtive interpretation demands a deeper dive into the сontext surrounding the data, сonsidering faсtors suсh as industry trends, seasonal fluсtuations, and сhanges in user behavior. This nuanсed approaсh ensures that the strategies devised are not only reaсtive but also proaсtive, antiсipating future shifts in the digital landsсape.

Bridging the Gap Between Data and Strategy

The ultimate goal of interpreting SEO metriсs is to bridge the gap between raw data and aсtionable strategy. This proсess involves several key steps:

  1. Prioritization of Metriсs: Not all metriсs hold equal weight in every сontext. Determining whiсh metriсs are most relevant to speсifiс goals is the first step towards effiсient analysis.
  2. Trend Analysis: Looking at metriсs over time сan reveal patterns that are not apparent in isolated data points. This longitudinal view helps in understanding the trajeсtory of a website’s SEO performanсe.
  3. Сompetitive Benсhmarking: Сomparing metriсs with those of сompetitors сan unсover strengths to be leveraged and weaknesses to be addressed, providing a сlearer path to differentiation and suссess.
  4. Integration of Insights: SEO metriсs should not be viewed in isolation. Integrating them with insights from other areas, suсh as soсial media analytiсs and сustomer feedbaсk, сan offer a more сomprehensive understanding of overall performanсe.
  5. Iterative Testing: The dynamiс nature of SEO means that what works today may not work tomorrow. Сontinuous testing, based on interpretations of metriсs, allows for the refinement of strategies over time.

The Human Element in Metriсs Interpretation

At its heart, the art of interpreting SEO metriсs is not just about understanding algorithms but also about empathizing with human users. Searсh engines aim to serve users by providing the most relevant, valuable, and enjoyable сontent. Therefore, metriсs should be interpreted through the lens of user experienсe. For example, a high СTR with a сorresponding high bounсe rate might indiсate that while the title and meta desсription are сompelling, the page сontent does not fulfill the promise made to the user. Addressing suсh disсrepanсies сan lead to better alignment with user needs and, сonsequently, improved SEO outсomes.

Embraсing Сomplexity for SEO Suссess

The сomplexity of SEO metriсs should not be seen as a deterrent but as an opportunity for differentiation and innovation. By mastering the art of interpretation, one сan unсover insights that are not immediately obvious, allowing for the development of unique and effeсtive SEO strategies. This mastery involves staying updated with the latest searсh engine guidelines, сontinually eduсating oneself on the nuanсes of digital marketing, and adopting a сurious mindset that questions and seeks to understand the deeper impliсations of data.


Navigating the сomplex metriсs of SEO is an art that сombines analytiсal rigor with сreative thinking. It requires a сommitment to understanding the evolving algorithms of searсh engines and the ever-сhanging behaviors of users. By interpreting SEO metriсs with a nuanсed and holistiс approaсh, marketers and website owners сan unсover aсtionable insights that drive suссess in the сrowded digital landsсape. The journey through the maze of data may be intriсate, but the rewards in terms of visibility, engagement, and сonversion are substantial. In the realm of digital marketing, the ability to interpret and aсt upon сomplex metriсs is not just a skill—it’s a сruсial strategy for thriving in the dynamiс world of SEO.

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Why is everyone obsessed with the profession of Analyst? Sat, 12 Mar 2022 17:07:14 +0000 What is one of the most popular professions right now? A lot of people say it’s the career of analyst. Unlike regular company employees, analysts are specialists who analyse data. When they report back to clients, they do so by exploring a range of figures and trends which are likely to affect the company in […]

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What is one of the most popular professions right now? A lot of people say it’s the career of analyst.

Unlike regular company employees, analysts are specialists who analyse data. When they report back to clients, they do so by exploring a range of figures and trends which are likely to affect the company in question.

There are also professions with the term “analyst” in their name, such as Financial Analyst, Program Analyst, Systems Analyst. All of them have an impact on this or that information, but they don’t necessarily use mathematics, statistics and programming languages in their activities.

Anthropology is one of the most competitive fields and careers. Understanding the evolution of this activity will help students figure out what they need to do in order to get ahead.

Analytics specialists have been around for a while, but in the last 10 years they’ve had their moment to shine. This is mostly because businesses are finally starting to see the wisdom of their numbers, and how this can be used to make forecasts. On the other hand, the “explosion” of demand for analysts raised a lot of foam. This has led to decent number of unqualified and inexperienced people entering this profession hastily.

The term ‘analyst’ originated 30 years ago when an economist was engaged in the task of calculations and planning. Businesses started to show up in our country, and with them the profession – a business analyst. Then, this specialty grew into a product analyst. And finally, it reached the pinnacle of evolution – data science.

The things are like this now, as a rule, companies want to get the most cream, but do not understand how to use it for butter-making. As a result, they often make risks skipping stages with BA and PA and go above the ground with data scientists.

Specialization intensifies in the work of a data analyst, product or data scientist. More narrowly, the field of activity for a professional also widens. “Jump” these stages – how to try to plant a tree without digging up the ground and without waiting for the season, or bake bread without kneading the dough – but simply putting a package of flour, a pack of butter and a couple of eggs into the oven.

The issue is that analysts and data scientists often have different perspectives and goals, so it can be difficult for them to communicate. They really don’t understand each other’s needs, which is problematic. It turns out that this problem has a solution though – let’s take a look at what we can do about it.

Choose your battle. What are analysts.

As you can see, some analysts work with data while others focus on IT-related topics. They may be considered “analysts” in the sense that their job pertains to thinking about a topic, but the type of analysis they conduct is different.

There are many different types of analysts now, from a programmer-analyst to a statistician. There are also virus analysts, who analyze both cybersecurity viruses and how to counter them.

Once a specialized person for this profile is required more often, the demand for that specific skill will only grow larger.

There are two main reasons why they want to become an analyst.

It’s fashionable.

Truth. But fashion always changes, and you will have to make a lot of effort to enter the profession. Are they worth it if fashion is the only motivation for choosing? A fashionable profession doesn’t mean it’s easy and universal for everyone. Certain skills, attentiveness, and perseverance are needed for routine operations with numbers that are not accessible to everyone. If mathematical calculations and statistics analysis put you in a state of flow, then feel free to try your hand in this area.

They pay a lot there.

“Getting a lot of money” is a great motivation for choosing a career, but keep in mind that those specialist who have already achieved success also earn well. A mediocre data scientist will be expensive to hire on and so is a bad marketer, accountant, chef, or actor. In any niche the market for good specialists is small, and great professionals are only interested in high paying jobs.

Levels of expertise with analytics track the same progression as they do in IT: junior, middle and senior. This is not surprising because analysts are at the intersection of IT & business, connecting both worlds as intermediaries and translate expectations & requirements into a common language.

Signs that analytics may not be for you:

1. It seems like you are still unsure about the idea of working more regularly.

Looking at numbers all day, digging into them, comparing sources, uploading and verifying data can be pretty monotonous. However, this type of work can also be hugely rewarding. You get to uncover new information and create a huge number of reports for people all across the business.

2. You like to work in “large strokes”

The analyst is doing research. If you don’t like to dive into details and don’t attach importance to trifles, you shouldn’t do this.

3. You only want to work with numbers that are not negative.

Bookkeeping is an important task for a business to undertake. It allows data analytics reporters to get a better idea of the company’s current financial situation and they provide insights as to how you can improve your finances.

4. “You feel too nervous or don’t have enough time to explain what you want in a convincing way.”

You might not be ready to engage with the people who do not have a good understanding of analytics.

5. Explaining things that are obvious to you 10 times to people who don’t understand anything about numbers is part of the job. Be patient and sign up for evening meditation sessions.

So why do so many now want to become an analyst? An analyst is a professional who deals with data, collecting information about various companies and deciphering the meaning of this information. The work an analyst does is determined by the features and nuances of a particular industry. In recent years there has been a rise in the number of areas that need analysts, for example financial or chemical engineering.

After reading this article, you now have a clearer understanding of what analysts do and how to develop the skills needed to pursue a career in this growing field. Having read about its potential, are you considering it as your next step?

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Best SEO Companies study: 80% of SEO professionals are worried about their careers because of constant changes in search algorithms Sun, 18 Jul 2021 05:14:31 +0000 A survey of 496 employees in the SEO industry was published on the website of Best SEO Companies. In the survey, SEOs talked about their professional fears and attitudes toward their work.

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A survey of 496 employees in the SEO industry was published on the website of Best SEO Companies. In the survey, SEOs talked about their professional fears and attitudes toward their work.

The main results of the survey

80% of SEO specialists fear that changes in search algorithms could have a negative impact on their careers. 73% believe that such innovations can change the entire industry for the worse.
This concern is not unfounded: 60% of respondents said that they lost their jobs because of changes in the mechanics of search engines.
On average, 3 days a week the working day of the SEO specialist exceeds the standard 8 hours. 25% of employees work more than 8 hours a day at least 5 days a week.
The main reason for the long workday is strict deadlines, and 44% of professionals are unhappy with the tight deadlines that employers set.
The majority of employees admitted that they do not plan to stay in the industry for a long time: 37% of respondents intend to work here from 1 to 3 years, another 31% – from 4 to 6 years. 12% plan to build a future career in SEO.
There are positive aspects: despite the fact that a quarter of SEO specialists consider their work unreliable, most are satisfied with it, calling it creative, interesting and intellectual.
The main way to stay informed about the latest innovations in SEO specialists called free online trainings and courses. Many are going to visit at least one specialized conference.
Almost half of the respondents identified the quality of content as the most important ranking factor. Approximately the same proportion believe that in the future the importance of SMM will grow.

Comment SEO-expert:

“I like my job because I have to constantly find the “philosopher’s stone” of ranking, and even so, provided that in each area and for each type of site it is different. Sounds fascinating, doesn’t it? In addition, SEO is far from templates and requires flexible thinking, an out-of-the-box approach and a love of experimentation. In my opinion, it’s not a bad set to stay in the profession for the long haul.

Yes, there are times when you have to work hard and not always things work out the way you’d like them to. But you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without work, and you have to work hard in any profession and in any business.

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Google Ads will only have a uniform display method Thu, 07 Jan 2021 04:32:01 +0000 In April 2020, Google Ads will remain only uniformly show ads for new media and smart campaigns in KMS, as well as for video and in-app campaigns. This is reported by the developers of the service in an updated Google Ads Help.

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In April 2020, Google Ads will remain only uniformly show ads for new media and smart campaigns in KMS, as well as for video and in-app campaigns. This is reported by the developers of the service in an updated Google Ads Help.

Earlier, in October 2019, the shopping and search campaigns switched to even display. Now the innovation will affect other current campaigns with an accelerated method of display: their transfer will begin in May 2020.

Experts Google Advertising note that the strategy of uniform display takes into account the expected effectiveness of ads during the day. Therefore, this approach is justified when you want to achieve the maximum possible goals for contextual advertising within a given daily budget.

Developers advise to use the schedule of impressions to adjust the time of display ads during the day. It is also recommended to connect the strategies “Maximum Conversion,” “Maximum Conversion Value” or “Maximum Clicks. With these strategies, campaigns will stay within the day’s budget.

Expert comment:

“We recommend that advertisers check the budget limit and, if it’s not enough for the day, increase or re-schedule the ad display. You might also want to choose fewer hours to run ads.

Keep in mind that when ads are shown evenly, they are distributed throughout the day, which prevents you from spending your budget in a few hours after launch.

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Google has updated the main search algorithm, and it had a noticeable impact on results Sat, 26 Dec 2020 05:59:45 +0000 Google employees reported that the basic search algorithm update is complete:

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Google employees reported that the basic search algorithm update is complete:

The update was launched two weeks ago, on May 4.

Google reported that this update was the biggest one in recent times. It had a major impact on rankings and, according to RankRanger’s Mordy Oberstein, changed search rankings in almost all niches:

Experts from SEMRush and Moz reached the same conclusion.

If your site was among those affected by Google’s main algorithm update, it is recommended to evaluate the web resource as a whole and find aspects that can be improved.

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Google dispels myths about crowding budgets and site load speeds Fri, 18 Dec 2020 08:50:15 +0000 In new SEO Mythbusting videos, Google search employee Martin Splitt talks about the SEO myths associated with crowling budgets and site load speeds.

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In new SEO Mythbusting videos, Google search employee Martin Splitt talks about the SEO myths associated with crowling budgets and site load speeds.

The most important thing about crawling budgets

Google has to choose what the search engine will crawl in order to use resources wisely.
Crawler crawls news sites more often because they are updated more frequently. Accordingly, sites that are updated less frequently, the bot crawls less frequently.
Google keeps a fingerprint of the content to track when it was last updated and tries to determine whether that site requires more frequent crawling.
To track updates to sites, Google analyzes structured data and date elements.

Etag and Last-Modified headers can help the crawler track the frequency of site updates, but in general they are more cues for Google, so it can ignore them. If you change the date on the page and don’t change the content, the site won’t get crawled more often.
Only large online sites with a million URLs should worry about crawling budgets: primarily e-commerce and publishers.
If a site is not indexed, owners may think about exceeding the crawling budget, but more often than not the problem is not the crawling, but the low quality of the content.
It’s also important to make sure the servers are running smoothly and aren’t giving out error codes.
If a site has a page whose URL is not in the sitemap, Google may not immediately find it. First, the crawler will need to go to another page with a link to the new URL.
Important changes need to be made gradually. Do not change the server, content, URL, domain at the same time.
Google does not cache POST requests – it quickly wastes the crawling budget. It is worth using GET requests.
If there are pages on your site that should not be crawled, they should be blocked with robots.txt.

There is nothing you can do to get Google to crawl the site more often. If the crawler finds out that there is a lot of quality content on the page and a lot of URLs in the sitemap, it will crawl as much as it can and do the same in the future. This can end up increasing the crawling budget to the values the site owner or webmaster wants.

Key points about site load speed

Loading speed is not as important a ranking factor as many SEO optimizers think. Pages with more relevant content will rank higher in the rankings than pages with fast loading speeds.
There are many regions in the world with slow Internet. This should be kept in mind when designing websites.
On average, a web page usually weighs a few megabytes. At the same time, the recommended size is about 500 kilobytes.
There are several problematic points in the tactics of SEO specialists: for example, many people think that the minimum size pictures have a positive effect on loading speed, while sweeping away the “lazy” loading.
There is no need to get hung up on reports and recommendations from services like Lighthouse. Changes implemented as recommended by such a tool do not always result in immediate loading speeds.

Different types of devices load sites at different speeds. Therefore, do not think that the site is fast if it opens quickly on the latest model smartphone. You need to keep track of what devices your users are using to open the site, and improve the speed for them.
AMP is not a ranking factor.
AMP is important to the extent that ranking speed is important.
If there are two pages with roughly the same quality of content, the page with the higher loading speed will rank higher in search engine rankings.

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